Japanesae program
Japanese program includes regular, part-time, immersion program and company lessons at your office.

C u r r i c u l u m
The flow of the regular course is as follows. Notice that a small adjustment is made with flexibility in syllabus and scheduling based on each studet's requirments. It aims at reaching the advanced level in one year with four skills especially with the emphasis on the spoken Japanese good enough for making speechs, sermons or presentations.
- STEP1Ground Work
- You are introduced to Basic Grammar, which is to cover Basic Grammar essential for JLPT-3, within one month. This is a really intensive program and explanation on grammar is given all in Basic English so you can grasp the big picture of the whole course quickly. Grammar is introduced in Dictation sentences with relevant daily expressions so you can use it the day you leran it.
- STEP2Coaching on colloqual Japanese
- You learn how you can get across what you have in mind using the vocabulary you have learned and create your own Japanese through debate, discussion and presentation. As in the basic course 3-minute impromptu speech is significant part of it.
- STEP3Coaching on more strategic Intermediate and Advanced spoken Japanese
- You are encouraged not only to enrich the vocabulary but also to polish the skill of debate, discussion, presentation and of deep dialogue. With the developed knowledge of 1,500 kanji you learn how to read essays of advanced Japanese and how to write creative essays with lots of euphemism and proverbs to stun people! This includes Task-Outing followed by group presentation, which is to aim at handling the real situation and people in cultural context so you can be more confident in your Japanese.
Regular course
This course is designed for missionaries, embassy staff and business people with the range of 12 wks to 15 wks /term. It starts at the beginning of spring, summer and fall with a quick 4-week summer program and 3-week winter program. Please contact us for enrollment after deadline.
The class size is 3±,and Basic, Intermediate and Advanced course are available. Basic course is for people from scratch to JLPT-4, and Advanced is for JLPT-2 or-1 challengers.
Each course meets daily form Monday through Friday(With Wednesday off occasionally for self-study) and classes are from 9:30 to 13:00. There can be some changes upon agreement.
Application and enrollment is acceptable even after the deadline should we have availability. Contact us for any further information.
- Yearly schedule
- Duration of each course is subject to change. Contact us for further information.
Part-time course
You can be enrolled anytime upon interview. You may have to wait if you wish to be in a group class.
Class size, content, time to start, days for lessons and frequency is decided upon interview. After then we come up with proposals and exchange feedback for fixing.
A discount is available if you are full-timer and wish to have one-on-one session.
- Mr.A:He came as a missionary and hopes that he could talk heart to heart (Honne de) with Japanese and prepare sermons the way people understand.
- He wished one-year program, and started with two 3,5 hr group lessons and two 2,5 hr private lessons per week, four days in weekly. Lesson fees were \370,000 / 15 weeks
- Mr.B:He came as an consultant, and wished an two-month intensive program for him to be good enough to get by job interviews and conversation at work and then slowly as he works.
- He started with four-day program weekly ,with three-day 2,5-hr private and one-day 3,5 hr group sessions. Lesson fees/ 4 weeks were \172,000.
Immersion program
This is given upon request of companies. This course aims to train up, with a five-mongth program, bilingual consultants competent in reading Japanese news papers and handling business negotioations. To make this time-constrained project happen, COACHING approach is fully used, inviting students' active involvenent in class.
We have trained up 50 bi-lingual consultants from India with skills good enough for consultants for the market of Japan so far. Full information is available upon request.
Currently ordinary people can apply should availability be in the course.People found above JLPT-3 in our diagnostic quiz can be enrolled in the last half program month-3,-4&,-5. Contact us for further information.
- Yearly schedule
- The first semester
- The second semester
Lessons at your office
Upon interview we come up with some proposals with segmented tailor-made courses.After getting feedback on those ones, we finalize duration, frequence , size, venue and road-map and fees.
- Mr.A:His request was to have sessions at home in a coaching approach to develop the skill of verbal interaction.
- \72,000/month(\6,000×1,5hrs×2 dys/wk×4 wks)
- B社:Three people with good foundational knowledge assigned to Tokyo wished to develop communicational Japanese good enough to facilitate business negotiations with. This was supported by their firm.
- \48,000(The class met onece a week. 1,5 hrs each time. 8,000×1,5 hrs×4/wk)